Who are the Gals behind The InvestGals?

You’ve seen the profiles, the posts, and the stories… but who are we really? We are The InvestGals, here to share our financial journeys and insights. While we won't reveal our names just yet, we want to give you a glimpse into our paths. Two Gals, Two Stories, One Vision.

Meet Gal #Uno: 

Gal Uno grew up in a suburban neighborhood with parents who owned a successful financial business. This fortunate background allowed her to travel, attend private schools, and enjoy many upper-middle-class activities. Despite these blessings, she chose to work through college, graduating early for financial reasons. 

Post college, she continued her education and started her career in the financial world. Since beginning her career, she has published a book and excels as a saleswoman, becoming a top performer each year. By investing in her education and herself, this Gal has traveled extensively, had a beautiful wedding, and bought a house, all before the age of 30. On top of this, she holds an extensive investment portfolio, including an Indexed Universal Life Insurance policy and a Solo 401(k). She embodies what it means to #InvestLikeAGal. 

Meet Gal #Dos: 

Gal Dos also grew up with privileges, but her experience was different. Raised on a large property with animals, she started earning money at age 8, saving everything for college. This meant fewer shopping trips and movie outings, focusing instead on spending time with friends. Nevertheless, she attended private school and traveled through local organizations. 

In college, this Gal held a part-time job, studied abroad in Tanzania, and paid off her student debt within three years of graduating. After college, she moved to a city, lived with roommates, and later returned to her hometown. Life threw some unexpected challenges her way, including a new vehicle and medical bills, but she paid off her car in a month. Now, she’s home shopping while working full-time as a sales rep and holding other jobs. This Gal knows what it means to be an InvestGal.

Our Shared Vision:

We acknowledge our privileged backgrounds, with access to financial resources from a young age. However, we also recognize the hard work and dedication it took to get where we are. Both debt-free before 25, both on the path to homeownership, and both saving for retirement—these are significant achievements.

To those who are on this journey with us: GO GET IT, GAL! And to those still working towards it: you’ve got this. Our success is a result of hard work, delayed gratification, and choosing productivity over scrolling TikTok. Together, we became The InvestGals.

Why Our Page is Unique

Two Gals. Two Stories. Two Perspectives. We offer diverse views on budgeting and spending, two paths to financial independence, but one shared goal: to invest in ourselves and those around us by teaching the rewarding aspects of finance. 

We Are The InvestGals


A Guide to Leveling Up Your Budget